8-12 SEPT 2024 | Budapest, Hungary
14th IWA Specialized Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants
LWWTP 2024
On behalf of the International Water Association (IWA) and its Specialist Group on Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, it is our pleasure to invite you to join us for the IWA Specialised Conference “Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants”.
The conferences on Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (LWWTP) are the most traditional specialised conferences organized by IWA specialist groups. The first conference (at that time called “workshop”) was held in Vienna and then was repeated in four-year periods in Vienna and since 1987 also in Budapest and Prague. This conference is the 14th conference in the series. The last conferences of the specialist group were held in Budapest (2011), Prague (2015) and Vienna (2020 postponed and finally cancelled due to COVID 19). The conference will now come back to Budapest (September 2024) during a perfect time of the year.
The conference will focus on all aspects of the design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants including economic topics. It will also discuss research and technology for nutrient removal and recovery approaches. It will bring together operators, designers and consultants on one side with researchers, university teachers, life cycle analysis (LCA) specialists, developers, technology and equipment providers on the other side.
Special emphasis will be given to active participation of young water professionals. The conference will provide a forum for ideas and opinion exchange and for sharing practical experience spanning the whole range from design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants to concepts of wastewater management in “Cities of the Future”.
The scientific programme will be accompanied by a poster session. The poster session will provide a lively forum for discussion and idea exchange between conference participants and poster authors.
We cordially invite you to join us for this conference and are looking forward to an inspiring event.
Conference Chairs
Norbert Jardin
Chairman of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants CEO, Ruhrverband; Honorary Professor, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

Norbert Jardin
Chairman of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants CEO, Ruhrverband; Honorary Professor, Darmstadt University of Technology, GermanyMiklós Patziger
Secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Head of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Miklós Patziger
Secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Head of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HungaryNorbert Jardin
Chairman of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants CEO, Ruhrverband; Honorary Professor, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

Norbert Jardin
Chairman of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants CEO, Ruhrverband; Honorary Professor, Darmstadt University of Technology, GermanyMiklós Patziger
Secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Head of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Miklós Patziger
Secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Head of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HungaryProgramme Committee
- Norbert Jardin, Germany, Chair
- Miklos Patziger, Hungary, Secretary
- Jörg Krampe, Austria
- Helmut Kroiss, Austria
- Jiri Wanner, Czech Republic
Scientific Committee
- Norbert Jardin, Germany (Chair)
- Miklos Patziger, Hungary (Secretary)
- Janelcy Alferes Castano, Belgium
- Lisa Bross, Germany
- Glen Daigger, USA
- Maryna Feierabend, Germany
- Andreas Giesen, The Netherlands
- Xia Huang, China
- Jose Jimenez, USA
- Andrea Jobbagy, Hungary
- Harald Kainz, Austria
- Jörg Krampe, Austria
- Helmut Kroiss, Austria
- Winson Lay, Singapore
- Hong Li, IWA Director Asia and Oceania
- Tao Li, UK
- Josef Lahnsteiner, Austria
- Douglas Lumley, Sweden
- Mark van Loosdrecht, The Netherlands
- Jacek Makinia, Poland
- Giorgio Mannina, Italy
- Norbert Matsché, Austria
- Sudhir Murthy, USA
- Avi Ostfeld, Israel
- Leiv Rieger, Canada
- Jorge Rodriguez, United Arab Emirates
- Julian Sandino, USA
- Kim Helleshøj Sørensen, Sweden
- Imre Takacs, France
- Burkhard Teichgräber, Germany
- Michele Torregrosa, Italy
- Aijie Wang, China
- Jiri Wanner, Czech Republic
- Isabela Espindola, IWA
- Veronika Farkas, Hungary
- Larissa Grass, Germany
- Anna Mirkó, Hungary
- Juliane Thamm, Germany
- Laura Varga, Hungary
International Advisory Committee
Local Organization Committee
- Dr. Richárd Cselkó
- Dr. Gábor Göcsei
- Dr. Tamás Iváncsy
- Mr. László Székely
- Dr. Zoltán Ádám Tamus
- Dr. Zoltán Tóth
Logistical arrangements:
Trivent Conference Office

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Our Provided Perks For You
During Conference
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Photo Booth



After Party

Ice Cream

- Optimisation of large wastewater treatment plant’s operation (Energy efficiency – treated water quality – digitalisation) – presented by Xylem on Sunday, 8 September, between 16:00 – 18:00 at the conference venue
- GREEN AND DIGITAL (Nature based and digitally advanced opportunities in large treatment plant upgrades) – presented by Organica Water on Sunday, 8 September, between 17:00 – 18:30 at the conference venue
- IWA Young Water Professionals – on Wednesday, 11 September, between 16:00 – 18:00 at the conference venue
- Aerobic Granular Sludge for Large Wastewater Treatment Plants – presented by NEREDA on
Thursday, 12 September, between 9:00 – 12:00 at the conference venue
- Visit to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, Budapest – Thursday, 12 September
o first group between 9:00 – 12:00
o second group between 13:00 – 16:00
The official language of the conference will be English. There will be oral and poster presentations, with pre-printed abstracts of conference papers.
Dates and deadlines
First announcement and call for abstracts
Deadline for abstract submission
Notification of successful authors
Early Bird
Deadline for full paper submission
Submissions and Registration
Abstract submission is open until 16th January, 2024 (extended to 31 JAN 2024) via ConfTool.
All abstracts should be written in the official template available HERE
All submissions should be original and not been previously accepted for publication in a journal. Authors whose abstracts are selected will be invited to give an oral presentations or a poster presentation at the conference. The authors will be notified of acceptance by 5th April 2024 and full papers are encouraged to be submitted by 27th May 2024.
The Committee strongly recommends that the authors of papers accepted for oral presentation submit their work for publication in::
- Water Science and Technology (https://iwaponline.com/wst)
The authors of papers accepted for poster presentation are invited to consider publishing their full papers OPEN ACCESS in a volume to be published under: https://trivent-publishing.eu/47-engineering-and-industry The volume will be submitted for indexation to Clarivate (Web of Science).
In both cases the full paper submission deadline via ConfTool is: June 30, 2024
Registration fees
Admission to the conference sessions and exhibition
- Conference material
- Coffee and lunch breaks, as announced in the programme
- Welcome reception
- Gala dinner
- Study tour
Registration and payments are handled via ConfTool. Payment opening: 5th April, 2024.
Please note that the registration close on the 1st of September 2024. On site registration will not be possible.
Registration and payments are handled via ConfTool. Payment opening: 5th April, 2024.
Please note that the registration close on the 1st of September 2024. On site registration will not be possible.
Early bird registration
High income country: 600€
Low income country: 500€
High income country: 500€
Low income country: 400€
High income country: 250€
Low income country: 200€
High income country: 230€
Low income country: 200€
Late registration
High income country: 680€
Low income country: 520€
High income country: 580€
Low income country: 420€
High income country: 300€
Low income country: 250€
High income country: 230€
Low income country: 200€
Cancellation policy:
- In case of written cancellation before July 30, the paid fee minus 25 EUR (handling fee) will be refunded. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective, no refund is possible.
- Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
- The conference program may be subject to changes.
- Payments will be refunded if the conference will be canceled by the organizer. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the participants. Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.
Conference topics
The conference covers all relevant topics of IWAs Specialist Group on Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants.
To find proper solutions for problems related to design, operation and economics of large wastewater treatment plants is a task of steadily growing importance. While at the beginning of the 20th century only less than 15 % of the total population on the Globe lived in the towns, the estimates for 2050 predict about two thirds of all people living in the urban areas. Therefore, the wastewater treatment in large treatment plants is an inseparable part of water management of cities of the future. The operation of LWWTPs is more and more considered as a source of making valuables of the wastewater available for other purposes, e.g. water, energy or nutrients. Our traditional conference will also reflect this change in the paradigm in the topics discussed in Budapest.
- wastewater treatment in large cities and sensitive catchment areas
- selection of cost-effective solutions
- strategies for achieving low effluent nutrient level
- appropriate technologies for developing countries
- successful case studies
- CFD modelling
- control of activated sludge separation properties
- instrumentation, control & automation
- emission of N2O and other greenhouse gases
- asset management and strategic planning
- benchmarking
- management, education and training
- regulation and governance
- modern approaches to wastewater sludge processing
- activated sludge separation
- effect of reject water on wastewater treatment line
- treatment of sludge dewatering effluent (SDE)
- optimized use of energy from sludge
- energy recovery
- sewage sludge desintegration
- construction and investment
- cost and energy effective operation
- mixing and aeration systems
- use of membranes in wastewater treatment
- removal of specific organic compounds (endocrine disruptors, micropollutants etc.)
- nutrient removal and recovery
- intensification of treatment (granular sludge, attached growth, hybrid systems)
- short cut nitrogen removal in mainstream
- large WWTPs as basis for the future growth of cities
- water reuse
Local information
Hungary, located in Central Europe, is undoubtedly one of the world’s favourite tourist destinations. The Hungarian culture, music, art, architecture, spas, unique flora and fauna, national parks, cuisine and wine attract millions of visitors annually. Find more information about Hungary here.
With its more than a thousand-year history, Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and one of the youngest capitals: Pest, Buda, and Óbuda merged in 1873, establishing the city we love and know now. The city offers an unparalleled combination of beautiful natural settings, rich historical and cultural heritage, fine cuisine, numerous sports, cultural and academic activities and events.
Pest, the Eastern part, is a bustling, vibrant city with rich museums, theatres, cafés and restaurants. Pest’s iconic buildings and areas include the neo-Gothic Parliament, housing the Hungarian Crown Jewels, and the Saint Stephen’s Basilica with the Holy Right Hand of King Saint Stephen, the founder of Hungary, on display, and the inspiring Jewish quarter.
Buda is more tranquil and relaxing, with much greenery and historic thermal baths; the Castle District, with charming streets, the Royal Palace and the Matthias Church, should not be missed by any visitor.
Budapest is a meeting place of East and West, a safe metropolis that offers a wealth of experiences for visitors.
Public transportation in Budapest is provided by the Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK), one of the largest transportation authorities in Europe. BKK operates 4 metro lines – including the historic Line 1, the oldest underground railway in continental Europe –, 5 suburban railway lines, 35 tram lines, 14 trolleybus lines, 246 bus lines (including 41 night routes), 3 boat services, and smart vehicle sharing networks providing cars, bicycles and electric scooters.
Taxi: Taxis in Budapest are marked with the word „Taxi”, often accompanied by a company name/logo such as „City Taxi”. All taxi vehicles must have a yellow registration plate, as opposed to the white background on regular car plates. All taximeters are equipped with a receipt-printing function, displaying the fares charged and the identification of the driver.
The climate of Budapest is continental. In mid-September there is usually a nice weather with a maximum temperature of 15-25°C, and during the night a minimum temperature ranging between 5-15°C. Nevertheless some rainy days can be expected.
The Organizers of the Conference do not provide insurance and do not take responsibility for any loss, accident or illness that might occur during the Conference or in the course of travel to or from the meeting site. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the participants to check their coverage with their insurance provider.
The electricity supply in Hungary is 230 V AC (50 Hz). In Hungary type F plugs are used.
The unit of currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF), denoted as “Ft” by the Hungarians. International credit cards (EC/MC, Visa) are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and shops. Revolut cards might also be useful. AMEX is rarely accepted by retailers. ATMs are available all over Budapest. (1 EUR is equivalent to approx. 420 HUF). Banking hours are usually from 9:00 until 17:00 from Monday to Thursday, on Fridays banks tend to close earlier, usually 15:00 or 16:00.
As with other EU member states, all emergency services can be reached by dialling 112. Hungary also maintains its internal numbers:
Police (Rendőrség) – 107
Ambulance (Mentők) – 104 (In Budapest, dial 06 1/311 – 1666 for English speaking service)
Fire service (Tűzoltóság) – 105
To obtain the international operator (for placing collect calls etc.), dial 199.
The Hungarian operator is available on 197.
- Free participation at the conference for 2 delegates
- 2 additional invitations for the Gala Dinner
- Logo on all materials (conference home page, program leaflet, invitations, etc.)
- Logo in the electronic pre-prints of the conference (with direct link to the company’s homepage)
- Advertisement in the conference programme (conference app)
- 4 m2 promotional stand at the Conference, distribution of promotional materials (printed or electronic) to all participants
- Free participation at the conference for 1 delegate
- 1 additional invitation for the Gala Dinner
- Logo on all materials (conference home page, program leaflet, invitations, etc.)
- Logo in the electronic pre-prints of the conference (with direct link to the company’s homepage)
- 4 m2 promotional stand at the conference
2.000 EUR net
- Free participation at the conference for 1 delegate
- 1 additional invitation for the Gala Dinner
- Logo on all materials (conference home page, program leaflet, invitations, etc.)
- Logo in the electronic pre-prints of the conference (with direct link to the company’s
homepage) - information desk for dissemination of the company’s materials
Latest News
Event Location & Accommodation

Venue address
Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Email us

Call us
(Organising Committee)
(+36) 1 792 3059

Mercure (****) & Ibis (***)Budapest Castle Hill
(+36) 1 488 8100The Mercure & Ibis Budapest Castle Hill is located next to the southern railway station and M2 subway station, 4 stops from the city centre. All rooms are air-conditioned and feature a satellite TV. WiFi is available for free.
The Hotel is in the neighborhood of the historical Castle District. You can easily reach the Castle District and the Chain Bridge on foot.
The Mercure & Ibis Budapest Castle Hill is easily accessible from the M1/M7 motorways and offers a large car / coach park.
There are two categories of hotel rooms to choose from, with 150 modern rooms in the Ibis section and 250 modern superior rooms in the Mercure section.
The booking links with negociated rates for Ibis and Mercure will be available soon.
Accommodation at negotiated rates for conference participants is secured at the venue hotel in rooms at two different categories.
Please check the links below and follow the instructions:
Links are based on one person and are priced for 7-13 September.
Guests can change these in the top left menu bar.
Deadline for booking:
2024 July 7. After this date the confirmation from the hotel will be based on availability only.
Cancellation policy:
„No cancellation charge applies up to 8 days prior to arrival. Beyond that time, the amount due is not refundable, even if the booking is cancelled or modified.”